Complaints procedure

It is important that you feel comfortable and safe with us as midwives. We strive to guide you in the best possible way during this special time. However, it may happen that you have a complaint.

Do you have questions? Doubts? Are you dissatisfied with something? Please tell us. We are open to improvements in our care so that we can learn from it and incorporate it into the guidance of our (future) clients.

If you are unable to resolve the issue together or if you need assistance in filing a complaint, please contact the complaints officer at CBKZ (Central Bureau for Complaints Management in Healthcare). The complaints officer is impartial, works independently, and is happy to assist you with support and advice. The complaints officer also mediates in finding a solution. Everything you tell the complaints officer is confidential.

The use of the complaints officer is free of charge for pregnant women and their partners. The external complaints officer of CBKZ can be reached by phone from Monday to Friday (from 09:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 16:30) at 088 – 0245123. You can also send an email to For more information, visit