0-6 weeks

7-12 weeks

13-20 weeks

21-30 weeks

31-36 weeks

37-42 weeks

Click on an image above to see what happens in the weeks of pregnancy

0-6 weeks

Congratulations, you are pregnant! You may discover this by taking a pregnancy test when your period is overdue, or you might suspect it due to the onset of pregnancy symptoms. For example, you may experience nausea, sensitive breasts, and/or fatigue.

Registering with the midwife

You can register with us from the moment you have a positive pregnancy test. The assistant will schedule the first appointment with you. During the initial appointment with the midwife, you’ll meet one of us. We discuss what you can expect from midwifery care, your medical history, and explore your wishes and needs so that we can tailor our midwifery guidance accordingly. If you’re a first-time expectant parent, there is a lot to take in. If you are interested in reliable information about pregnancy prior to your first midwifery appointment, our assistant can enroll you for the free online information session ‘The First Months.’

Lifestyle and diet

From the beginning of pregnancy, it is essential to pay attention to a healthy lifestyle. Eating a varied diet, drinking enough water, and regular exercise are essential components. Additionally, it is important to avoid certain foods that could be harmful to the baby. For more information on nutrition during pregnancy, you can visit the website of the Nutrition Center (Voedingscentrum) or download the ZwangerHap’ app on your phone.