020-8203474 | info@verloskundigeinamsterdam.nl
Click on an image above to see what happens in the weeks of pregnancy
37-42 weeks
The final weeks of pregnancy have arrived, and labor can begin at any moment. From 37 weeks onwards, it is no longer considered too early for the baby to be born. Congratulations on reaching this milestone! The space in your belly is decreasing for the baby, so you may need to make more contact with your belly to feel the movements. It i important to feel the baby move every day as you are accustomed to. If you have any doubts about the frequency of movements or are concerned, always call our emergency number.
- Have hospital bag ready
- Matrass protector (in case water breaks)
- Put bed riser under bed if bed is to low

Appointments with the midwife
From 37 weeks, you will have weekly check-ups with the midwife. We measure your blood pressure, assess the baby’s growth by hand on your belly, check the baby’s position in the womb, and determine if the baby has descended into the pelvis. We listen to the baby’s heartbeat weekly as well.

Call the midwife with:
- Contractions:
- If it’s your first child, call if you have regular contractions for 1 hour, coming every 3 minutes and lasting 1 minute.
- If you have given birth before, call if you have regular contractions for 1 hour, coming every 5 minutes and lasting about 1 minute.
- Amniotic Fluid Loss:
Childbirth can also start with the breaking of your water (10%). Always try to collect some amniotic fluid in a glass or on a sanitary pad.- If the water is colorless or light pink (clear), call us between 9:00 am and 8:00 pm. We will come during the day for checks and wait for up to 24 hours for contractions to start. If it is night, try to get some sleep.
- If the water is yellow, green, or brown, the baby may have passed meconium (first stool) in the amniotic fluid. Call us immediately.
- If the baby’s head was not engaged in the pelvis during check-ups, and your water breaks, call the midwife immediately and go home.
- Vaginal Bleeding: Call if you experience vaginal bleeding.
- Reduced or No Baby Movements: Call if you feel fewer or no movements of the baby.
- Anxiety: Call if you are feeling anxious or concerned.
Past the due date
Only 5% of babies are born on the due date. Your baby may come earlier or take a little longer. Most babies in the Netherlands are born between the 40th and 41st week. During the check-up, we will discuss the options available between the 41st and 42nd weeks if labor has not started naturally.
- Have your hospital bag ready
- Matrassprotector on the bed (in case your water breaks)
- Put bed risers under your bed if it's too low