020-8203474 | info@verloskundigeinamsterdam.nl

As midwives, we are also specialised in contraception. During the final check-up with the midwife in the postpartum week and during the follow-up appointment 6 weeks after childbirth, we discuss the topic of contraception. We provide information about contraception and support in decision-making.
The choice of contraception varies for each woman. This website provides extensive information about different contraceptive methods. In addition to providing information about various forms of contraception, we also insert intrauterine devices (IUDs) in the practice.
We insert IUDs for our own clients as well as for women who have never been under our care. For contraceptive methods other than the IUD, you should contact your own general practitioner to have them prescribed or inserted.
Contraception during the breastfeeding period
It’s important to note that not all types of contraception are suitable during breastfeeding. For example, combination pills, hormonal patches, and contraceptive rings are not recommended during breastfeeding as they may reduce milk production.
The minipill, contraceptive implants (Implanon), hormonal IUDs, copper IUDs, the contraceptive injection, and condoms are methods that can be used in combination with breastfeeding.