Verloskundige in Amsterdam

Welcome to Verloskundige in Amsterdam

We are a small-scale midwifery practice with a dedicated team of midwives. Together, we have over 50 years of experience in midwifery care. With this experience and our passion for midwifery, we are here to guide you (and your partner) through this special period. We tailor our care to your wishes and needs during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.


Comprehensive midwifery care

    Verloskundige zorg met aandacht

 Caring with attention

    • Ample time per appointment
    • Option for additional visits
    • Flexible office hours and days
    • Various locations

  Deskundige begeleiding

 Expert guidance

    • Fixed team of midwives
    • Registered in the quality register of midwives
    • Available 24/7 in case of emergency
    • Information tailored to your needs

 Kinderwens spreekuur

 Family planning consultation

    • Advice on achieving a healthy pregnancy
    • Questions regarding fertility
    • Insured consultation without obligations

    Verloskundige zorg met aandacht

 Caring with attention

    • Ample time per appointment
    • Option for additional visits
    • Flexible office hours and days
    • Various locations

  Deskundige begeleiding

 Expert guidance

    • Fixed team of midwives
    • Registered in the quality register of midwives
    • Available 24/7 in case of emergency
    • Information tailored to your needs

  Echo, zwangerschapsecho echoscopie

 (Medical) ultrasounds

    • Early term ultrasound with indication
    • Term ultrasound
    • Gender / non-medical ultrasound
    • Growth ultrasounds with indication
    • 36 week position ultrasound

 Kinderwens spreekuur

 Family planning consultation

    • Advice on achieving a healthy pregnancy
    • Questions regarding fertility
    • Insured consultation without obligations

  Zwangerschapscursus, zwangerschapsyoga, voorbereiding

 Course offerings

    • Information gathering ‘the first months’
    • Workshop ‘connecting with your baby’
    • Exercise- and childbirth course
    • Breastfeeding course
    • Postpartum exercise course ‘stay active’

  Anticonceptie spreekuur, spiralen plaatsen, spiraaltje

 Contraception advice and IUD placement

    • Advice on suitable contraception
    • IUD placement
    • IUD removal
    • Follow-up ultrasound after IUD placement

  Echo, zwangerschapsecho echoscopie

 (Medical) ultrasounds

    • Early term ultrasound with indication
    • Term ultrasound
    • Gender / non-medical ultrasound
    • Growth ultrasounds with indication
    • 36 week position ultrasound

  Zwangerschapscursus, zwangerschapsyoga, voorbereiding

 Course offerings

    • Information gathering ‘the first months’
    • Workshop ‘connecting with your baby’
    • Exercise- and childbirth course
    • Breastfeeding course
    • Postpartum exercise course ‘stay active’

  Anticonceptie spreekuur, spiralen plaatsen, spiraaltje

 Contraception advice and IUD placement

    • Advice on suitable contraception
    • IUD placement
    • IUD removal
    • Follow-up ultrasound after IUD placement
Baby, pasgeboren, aanmelden verloskundige

Positive pregnancy test?

We are happy to guide you through the process of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.