Privacy statement


This privacy statement applies to the healthcare services offered by Verloskundige in Amsterdam within the midwifery practice and through the website This privacy statement explains how Verloskundige in Amsterdam handles the processing of personal data, including the categories of personal data collected, the purpose of using personal data, and the categories of recipients to whom personal data is disclosed.

Information about Verloskundige in Amsterdam
Verloskundige in Amsterdam is located in Amsterdam and registered under registration number 77562763 in the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce. For questions about the privacy statement, Verloskundige in Amsterdam can be reached on weekdays from 10:00 to 13:00 at phone number 020-8203474, option 2. You can also contact us via email at

Processing of Personal Data
Verloskundige in Amsterdam processes client’s personal data for the following purposes:

  • Execution of the medical treatment agreement
  • Administrative purposes
  • Maintaining and expanding the relationship with clients

The legal bases for processing are:

  • The medical treatment agreement
  • Consent
  • Legitimate interest of Verloskundige in Amsterdam

Types of personal data processed by Verloskundige in Amsterdam:

  1. Name, first names, initials, title, gender, date of birth, address, postal code, place of residence, telephone number, email address, and similar communication data necessary for communication with the pregnant woman and her partner.

Medical data and other special personal data, including the citizen service number (BSN), if and to the extent necessary for the execution of the medical treatment agreement and the billing of costs to the health insurer.

  1. Address details for quality monitoring and follow-up of the treatment as part of quality monitoring under the Population Screening Act (counseling data and prenatal screening).
  2. Complaints and comments about the treatment of the data subject.
  3. Other data strictly necessary for the proper treatment and handling of the treatment.

This list is not exhaustive and may vary depending on the treatment agreement.

Online Registration of Personal Data
Personal data is recorded in the online midwifery registration system Orfeus. Orfeus is NEN Certified and meets security standards set by the GDPR. This system is only accessible to midwives and assistants registered by the practice. All these healthcare providers have a legal duty of confidentiality (professional secrecy).

Registration of personal data, such as name, date of birth, BSN, and health insurance number, is digitally processed for the customer database, identity verification, and submission of claims to the health insurer.

A requested photo is only stored in the medical record for the identification of the client by the midwives and assistants of Verloskundige in Amsterdam in the context of healthcare.

Email Address
Email addresses are digitally processed for sending: appointment confirmations at Verloskundige in Amsterdam, newsletters from Verloskundige in Amsterdam, invitations to information evenings from Verloskundige in Amsterdam, invitations to participate in surveys for the evaluation of healthcare by Verloskundige in Amsterdam. We also respond to medication requests or repeat prescriptions, which are sent securely via email to the pharmacy. The sending of any NIPT results is done via secure email. The partner’s email address is not used unless necessary.

Sharing Health Information with Other Healthcare Providers
Processing of client’s health status, present and past, the health status of the (future) child, the conducted examinations, and treatments are recorded for healthcare purposes. This data is only shared with other healthcare providers if medically necessary and for the purpose of healthcare.

Secure systems, Zorgdomein or Zorgmail, are used for communication with other healthcare providers. Healthcare providers include gynecologists, clinical midwives, pediatricians, general practitioners, child health centers, maternity care, and health insurers for billing purposes.

Registration with the Practice
Data provided in the registration form on this website is used solely for managing the registration. Your personal data is processed to handle the registration after you have filled out the registration form on the website. Therefore, the personal data must be filled in compulsorily. The legal basis for this processing is that this data processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of Verloskundige in Amsterdam and yourself. This interest consists specifically of the interest of Verloskundige in Amsterdam and yourself to process the registration in the medical system. This personal data is kept for as long as necessary for the entire care period.

You can also register by calling us at 020-8203474 option 2 between 10:00-13:00 or by emailing

Improving Our Service
We may use your data to improve our services. However, we do this only if you have provided that data for that purpose or given us permission. This may include feedback you have sent us through a complaints or survey form.

Contact Form
Your personal data is processed to handle questions, complaints, or other types of communication after you have filled out the contact form on the website. Therefore, the personal data must be filled in compulsorily. The legal basis for this processing is that this data processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of Verloskundige in Amsterdam and yourself. This interest specifically consists of the interest of Verloskundige in Amsterdam and yourself in handling questions, complaints, or other types of communication at your request. This personal data is kept for as long as necessary for the complete answering and handling of the question, complaint, or other type of communication sent with the contact form.

Photos on Our Website
It is possible that the photos on our website involve the processing of personal data, such as when a person is depicted in the photos. If necessary, the individuals concerned have freely given their consent for the publication of those photos. This justifies Verloskundige in Amsterdam’s legitimate interest in the associated processing of personal data. This interest includes the ability to place photos on the website, maintain the website, and the right to freedom of expression. The photos are displayed on the website as long as Verloskundige in Amsterdam deems the respective photo to be of added value to the website.

Third-Party Websites
This privacy statement does not apply to third-party websites connected to this website through links. We cannot guarantee that these third parties handle your personal data in a reliable or secure manner. Therefore, we recommend reading the privacy statement of these websites before using them.

Retention Period
The medical record is kept for 15 years according to legal provisions under the Medical Treatment Agreement Act. Other personal data provided by yourself, for example, for participation in informational evenings, is destroyed after use.

We do not use cookies.

Verloskundige in Amsterdam has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a security level adapted to the risk. The website is secured with an SSL certificate. Personal data is transmitted via a secure connection. In addition, emails are sent by email servers specifically secured for healthcare. The other technical companies we work with are NEN7510 certified.

Processors and other Third Parties
The personal data you provide to us may be provided to third parties if necessary for the purposes described above. We do not disclose personal data to other parties with whom we have not entered into a processing agreement. With these parties (processors or data controllers), we naturally make the necessary arrangements to ensure the security of your personal data. Furthermore, we will not provide personal data provided by yourself to other parties unless required by law and allowed.

Within the EU
We do not provide personal data to parties located outside the EEA, a country, or an international organization for which no adequacy decision has been taken, or a country with which no legally binding and enforceable instrument has been concluded.

Your Privacy Rights
You have the right to access, rectify, or delete the personal data we have received from you. You can also object to the processing of your personal data (or a part thereof) by us or by one of our processors. Additionally, you have the right to have the data you provided to us transferred to yourself or, on your behalf, directly to another party. We may ask you to verify your identity before we can fulfill these requests.

If we process your personal data based on your given consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time. In some cases, we may be unable to fully delete all your data due to legal retention obligations. In such cases, we will inform you accordingly.

If you wish to exercise one or more of these rights, you can contact us using the contact options mentioned above. In addition to the rights mentioned above, you always have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens).

This privacy statement may be modified. Therefore, it is advisable to regularly check this privacy statement. The current version of the privacy statement was last amended on November 10, 2023.